Like the whole summer, this autumn was very wet. There are lands that are still too wet to get in, and we are in July! You will probably say that farmers are never happy, but with all this rain we were not able to get in the lands to make enough hay or plant enough pasture for winter. So it is a big worry for me…
Sadly we had to say goodbye to two of our old Jersey cows, Gloria and Geranium, who went to cow heaven. But we also welcomed three heifers, Lilac, Noisette and Lima who should be calving for the first time in a few weeks.

On 3 May I drove to Bloemfontein for the Bloem Show Dairy Competition prize giving. It was the first time I attended, and really enjoyed the evening. And we also did well, which is so rewarding for the whole Jackal’s Hill team!

We got first place for 4 of our products – Unsalted Butter, Petite Ricotta, Cottage Cheese with Chives and Double Thick Cream. What a great surprise and reward to beat all the big companies who also entered!
The Caledon and Plain Ricotta got a second place and the Buche aux Herbes and Cream Cheese were awarded a third place. All in all a great success with 8 places out of 12 entries!

The Cottage Cheese with Chives is a new product which I made especially for the Bloem Show 2022, and it is now available at La Fromagerie (our farm venue), at Natural Earth in Clarens, on our website and at a few of our retailers around the country.

The Zulu ladies came twice this year to cut water grass on the farm (and there was lots!), with which they make traditional brooms and mats. They always bring me thank you gifts of their beautiful crafts. I use the grass mats in the factory to cover the cheeses as they drain.
Greg recently decided to make his version of Hasselback Potatoes, and it is this quarter’s recipe, using our Raw Farm Butter, Feta and Caledon.
I am excited that Jackal’s Hill Fromage has been accepted as a vendor at the monthly Banting Market in Brooklyn Mall, Pretoria. If you are in Pretoria on the first Saturday of the month, come say hi and get your cheese and dairy fix.
As usual, don’t forget to Like and Share our Facebook page – Jackal’s Hill Fromage or follow us on Instagram – @val_ofs.

Keep warm and see you in Spring…
Valerie & the Team